I am sorry I have not been posting, been busy with the stores and also with the Peace on Earth hunt...If you are a designer and you are interested in participating in the Peace On earth Hunt visit www.gridwidehunt.blogspot.com
What can I say about Pema she is just a great friend, loyal, genuine and Kind Hearted!!! I just love her so that is why I consider her my Sis in SL and also she models for me at my store.....Friends are hard to find but Pema is different....
I decided to do a last minute Beach party in my house. I invited my friends and we had a blast, we danced, and also did a bit of swimming. Not bad for a last minute party, I always enjoy these girls company they are sweet, down to earth and funny....Hurray for the Girls!!!!
These Little cute outfits come from two very talented designers in SL, Leah McCullough and Abbie Dharnen. I met Leah in one of her new releases and I just fell in Love with her clothes, I just love to shop!!! So now Naive is one of my favorites stores and also Leah McCullough is just such a sweet, friendly and kind person
(So Customer Service it just the BEST)
Please go Check Out Naive (tell them I sent you :) )
This post is dedicated to two Magnificent Women whom I admire in SL, Chica Indigo and Lady Pichot. Chica Indigo and I met at on one my shopping spree's at Last Call (during the closeout sale) were everybody (we all look grey) was trying to get into Last Call but impossible so I made my shopping possible with the camera (thank goodness for that). Lady Pichot I met thru Chica Indigo.... This beautiful dress called Monique could be found at Seasons Haute Couture and the Jewelry by Lady Pichot @ Facets.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate all the people who visit my blog and that I am sorry have not been posting lately really busy with the setting up of my main store.... Also I have become a writer for iheartsl.com so you will see me in the fashion feeds. I am really excited about that, i wanted to invite you all to a diamond hunt at Expressions shopping Mall, go check it out.....
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Katlene Niven
I want to welcome you to my Journey here in Second Life. This Blog is about Fashion, places to go and have fun, interesting people who I meet and Places to go Shop....